And the promised stuff...

mirggi - 13.12.2009 21.16 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Oh well, you really don't like me enough :( But as promised, I'll give you something. mIRGGI goes shared source. Which means that I'll open the source, you can add to it and send in the patches and whatnot, but it's not GPL or other crap. One big reason is that I don't want 843975984 forks of mIRGGI just because of "I want this dot to be there and not here" folks. And you're not allowed to use parts of mIRGGI in your own projects. Just because I'm evil.

So stay tuned. It'll happen soon. I just have a physics exam tomorrow, for which I haven't studied, and other stuff. But soon. You'll get to wonder the horrors of my coding and make mIRGGI even better.

Good? Bad? Don't care? At least the development shouldn't be just on my shoulders.

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