Version 0.62 is out!

mirggi - 19.06.2009 17.20 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Version 0.62 should now fix the problems with 5th edition. I had to change the volume keys to function as channel changing buttons since 5800 XpressMusic has no other usable buttons. Settings for servers work (they worked before if you changed them, clicked left and then back) and I changed the default colors to white background and black text.

Otherwise it's the same as 0.61 and 0.60, so only 5th edition users have to update.

To type in, you have to click the input line (I know it's a bit small, I'll make it larger), write with the virtual keyboard and press enter on the virtual kb to send it.

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Apple Messed Up Developer Certificates...

symbiatch - 17.06.2009 01.09 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Apple has messed up their developer certificate stuff. The actual certificates work ok, but the provisioning profiles (which are used when testing applications on devices and when sending the application to the AppStore) won't work. Seems that Apple has forgotten to put the certificate information into the provisioning files. And many people are pissed. Fortunately I didn't need my provisioning profiles right now even though I ran into this problem.

Nice work, Apple. Keep it up. It's not ok to mess up stuff for everyone just because you're releasing iPhone OS 3.0 today...

More info about the identity matching provisioning profile mess.

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Version 0.61 out!

mirggi - 10.06.2009 20.54 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Ok, I finally got my head messed up enough to figure out why the settings weren't working on the 5th edition devices. It's now fixed in 0.61. You can get the versions from the normal locations, 5th edition is at from now on.

There are no major changes in this version, mainly the 5th edition compatibility and update to the Estonian translation (thanks Henrik!)

Oh, and naturally the certificate thingy is fixed. No need to change dates on your phones to install. Sorry for the delay :(

Text input on 5th edition seems "a bit" shaky, I'll try to fix it now!

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S60 5th Ed Touch UI - What a load of crap

symbiatch - 03.06.2009 20.43 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

I got the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic a while back. I used it for 5 minutes and was horrified. I expected Nokia's first mass marketed touch screen phone to be not that good but I didn't expect this.

The user interface has not been changed in any way to really support the touch screen. There are also lots of nuisances and inconsistencies all around. I can't understand why they let the device go to market like this.

Oh, and the problems are still in the current version on my phone (21.0.026.C02.01)

  1. In some places (like the application grid) you can use single click to start an application. But when using settings screens etc you have to click twice. The first click only selects the item, the second activates it.
  2. You have to use lots of clicks to change text settings. For example, change your password on the MfE client. Click on Password to select it. Click again to activate. You'll get an empty text box on the screen. Click it to open the keyboard. Click Ok to accept the text. Click Ok again to accept the text. This is how it should be?
  3. Many binary (yes/no) settings need lots of clicks. First to select, second to activate, third to select the other option, fourth to activate it. In iPhone, WMobile etc you only need to click the check box/slider. That's it!
  4. On-screen keyboard is horrible. The small is too small to use without the stylus. The large one always rotates the screen, so it's quite impossible to use one-handed. Also all accented letters need four clicks to get (first open the accent menu, then select the accent section, then the character and then change back to normal letters). Horrible.

And that's just some of the most irritating ones. I would tell Nokia to do as Microsoft and Apple did, but it won't help since they already did that. They just thought it wrong. Apple and Microsoft took an existing mouse-operated UI, tweaked it and put it into a touch screen device. Touch is like a mouse, so it works. Nokia took an existing D-pad-operated UI and used it as such without thinking. Way to go!

And yes, I do know that Symbian itself has supported touch screen/mouse for a looong time, so actually, Nokia did nothing. They just added the touch screen.

But no worries, I'm sure Qt4 will fix this. Too bad we'll have to wait for it for some time still...

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Nokia *cks up Ovi Store

symbiatch - 03.06.2009 20.27 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Nokia opened Ovi Store, finally. And I was not disappointed at all. It was as bad a mess as I thought it would be. And I'm not talking about the capacity problems and stuff.

The logical comparison is between Apple's AppStore and Nokia's Ovi Store. Both sell applications for the users of their devices. So let's do some basic comparisons:

Apple's AppStoreNokia's Ovi Store
Annual fees $99 paid to Apple for the developer program $200 paid to TC Trustcenter for the "Publisher ID"
Fee per application version $0$20+
Revenue share70%70% (credit card)
~40% (operator billing)

So, I want to make a freeware application (actually I've already done one for the iPhone). With Apple I'll pay $99 for the first year. That's it. With Nokia I'll pay at least $220 for getting the application in. More than double. So, it's not a reasonable route to get freeware applications to users. Oh, and when I need to update the application, add features etc, I'll have to pay at least $20 every time. With Apple, it's free.

Ok, forget the freeware. I'd like to get some revenue from the application. Let's say I'll charge $1 for it since it's a small application and people are willing to pay that amount for it. With Apple I'll have to get 142 new purchases per year to break even. With Nokia I need 314 purchases for the first year if I don't do any updates and I only use credit card billing. If the customers are via operator billing, then I'll need at least 550 purchases to break even.

But since all applications will be updated, this is not the case. With Nokia, every time you update the application you need to sell 29 more applications. So you really have to think if the update will get you more customers or not. With Apple it's free.

Also, if you're not part of the Launchpad program, you'll have to pay $50/application to get them into the store (is this still valid?). So the purchases needed goes higher and higher.

Someone tell me why I should use Ovi Store? To get the application into millions of devices? Oh wait, the actual store application isn't available in more than a couple of countries. And only for two devices. So that's not going to be a reason for me until it's available everywhere and on every S60 3rd edition+ device.

So in my book, Nokia messed things once again. Even though they did ask a couple of Finnish companies how things should be done and the main answer was "like Apple's store." But no such luck.

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