What's up?

mirggi - 11.04.2009 22.43 - mobiili 

First of all, I do apologize for being so quiet for so long. I haven't been well and haven't been able to update mIRGGI for some time now. I hope I'll be able to continue developing it soon.

Some things I know you're wondering:

  • The self-signed certificate has expired, so you need to change the date on your phone if you want to install it. I'll try to get a new package up soon
  • The 3rd edition version "works" on the 5th edition, but as we all know: Nokia's/Symbian's promises about compatibility are always overrated. For some reason the settings don't show up at all even though the code is exactly as Nokia's own examples show. Also it's not nice to use mIRGGI when the soft key labels are not visible. I'll try to fix this soon.

Hope you'll understand my situation and mIRGGI is definitely NOT dead!

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